Allison B. Ford, PhD, LCMHC, NBCC

Triangle Behavioral Health, PLLC


Payment is due in full at the time services are rendered. This includes co- pays, co-insurance, and any residual balances.

Our office will file insurance for some managed care plans. At the present time, Dr. Ford participates in the following managed care plans:

Insurance policies do not automatically cover all services. It is your responsibility to check with your insurance company to determine covered benefits for your specific plan and to be prepared to make any out of pocket payments at the time of the visit. If your insurance plan requires prior authorization, it is your responsibility to make sure I am notified of this requirement. Any services provided without authorization become the patient's responsibility.

Every effort should be made to notify the office of the need to cancel an appointment at least twenty-four hours prior to the scheduled appointment. A fee will be charged for appointments missed or canceled without twenty- four hours advance notice.